No. Commercial plugins, delivered through AirPro theme, have all necessary licenses. Sometimes commercial plugins display an info message, inviting you to upgrade your license or register for additional support or added functionality. But, this is not necessary. All plugins will work without this.

The only reason for a separate license is to unlock additional plugin features, like direct support from plugin authors, and automatic update through WordPress dashboard.

All premium plugins are included and updated with the theme.

Also, you don’t need to have the latest versions of the premium plugins in order for the theme to work properly. We check how premium plugins work together and with the theme before we include them in a theme update.

Some background info:

Each release of AirPro includes versions of premium plugins which are tested and fully compatible with that version of the theme, at the moment of release. Our strategy is to have periodic AirPro releases, focusing on the theme stability.

Additional note:

Commercial plugins are included as “bundled plugins”, according to Envato classification.

Here are some more details about this concept.