Icons in AirPro demo have been added using a custom WPBakery Page Builder addon: “Theme Icon”.

By default, Theme Icon offers a small set of default icons that ship with the theme.

It is however possible to tweak Theme Icon, so it starts using a custom set of icons instead of default ones.

Please note: after this change, Theme Icon will offer only icons from the custom icon set.

Default icons will not be offered anymore.


  1. Go to IcoMoon App (https://icomoon.io/app/#/select);
  2. Import your custom font. It’ll probably be necessary to provide .svg version of the font.
  3. Click Generate Font;
  4. Open Preferences, and enter a unique font name and icon classes prefix.
  5. Click Download.
  6. On your disc, extract the downloaded package. You’ll only need two things: file “style.css” and folder “fonts”.
  7. Upload and activate AirPro child theme. The child theme is shipped with your downloaded ThemeForest bundle.
  8. Create a new folder under the child theme folder, e.g. “wp-content/themes/airpro-child/assets/css”;
  9. Upload the downloaded files (“style.css” and “fonts”) into this folder.
  10. Rename “style.css” to “my-theme-icons.css”.
  11. Open functions.php for the child theme, and add the following lines of code (make sure to use icon classes prefix selected in IcoMoon)
    add_filter( 'vc_iconpicker-type-theme-icons', 'airpro_child_get_theme_icon_list' );
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'airpro_child_scripts_custom_icons', 102 );
    function airpro_child_scripts_custom_icons() {
        wp_enqueue_style( 'airpro-child-custom-theme-icons', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/assets/css/my-custom-icons.css', false );
    add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', 'airpro_child_scripts_custom_icons' );
    function airpro_child_get_theme_icon_list() {
        $path_to_theme_icons_css_file = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/assets/css/my-custom-icons.css';
        if ( ! file_exists( $path_to_theme_icons_css_file ) ) {
            return array();
        $text = file_get_contents( $path_to_theme_icons_css_file );
        preg_match_all( "/^\.airpro-custom-icon(.*)$/m", $text, $m );
        $icon_names = array();
        foreach ( $m[0] as $line_with_icon_name ) {
            $current_line_is_legacy_duplicate = strpos( $line_with_icon_name, 'before,' ) !== false;
            if ( $current_line_is_legacy_duplicate ) {
            $line = str_replace( ':before {', '', $line_with_icon_name );
            $icon_names[] = str_replace( '.airpro-custom-icon-', 'airpro-custom-icon-', $line );
        $theme_icons = array();
        foreach ( $icon_names as $icon_name ) {
            $theme_icons[] = array( (string)$icon_name => (string)$icon_name );
        return $theme_icons;

  12. After this, “Theme Icon” should start offering the custom icon sets.

The following screenshots illustrate the process:

IcoMoon 1

IcoMoon 2

IcoMoon Downloaded Files

New functions.php

New ThemeIcon