Yes. In case the automated import fails, or seems broken, there is a set of manual steps which will recreated demo content on your site.
Install required plugins
Go to page Admin > Appearance > Theme Activation and install required plugins. To install plugins, click “Install required plugins” and follow instructions. After plugin installation is finished, return to the same page to enable installed plugins.
Import demo site content
Open Tools -> Import, find WordPress and click “Run Importer”. Browse to folder airpro/demo-content/site-content from the theme installable package, and open the .xml file (e.g. airprotest20170725.wordpress.2017-10-02.xml). Select the file and click Open.
Import theme options
Go to Admin > Theme Options > Import / Export and click “Import from File”. This will open a text area below. Browse to folder demo-content\redux from the theme installable package, and open the .json file (e.g. redux_options_airpro_options_backup_02-02-2017) and paste it to the text field. Finally, click “Import”.
Import Layer Slider demo slider
Go to Admin > LayerSlider WP and click “Import Sliders”. Navigate to demo-content\layer-slider and select the .zip archive (e.g. LayerSlider_Export_2017-02-24_at_20.23.16).
Set menu locations
Go to Admin > Appearance > Menus and select the “Manage Locations” tab. For “Primary Menu”, select “Main Menu”.
Select front- and posts page
Go to Admin > Settings > Reading. For “Front Page Displays”, select “A static page (select below)”. For “Front Page”, choose “AirPro Home”. For “Posts page”, select “Tips & Tricks”.
Import demo widgets
Go to Admin > Tools > Widgets Importer and Exporter and click “Choose File”. Navigate to demo-content\widgets and select the .wie archive (e.g.
Configure settings for the events and promotions page
Go to Admin > Special Offers > Settings. For “Events URL slug, enter “promotions” (without quotation marks). For “Single event URL slug”, enter “special-offer”.
Note: Demo content is optional, but has been proved useful to quickly get freshly installed WordPress websites up and running using AirPro theme.